Topic: Blog

10 Outstanding Facts About Estonia

Estonia is a Northern European country that has suffered more than its fair share of occupation. Centuries ago, Estonia had to deal with rule by the Danish, then the Swedish, and—more recently—the Soviet Union. However, despite these challenges, Estonia has thrived and came into its own as an independent, democratic country. The most extraordinary thing about Estonia is its grasp of technology. When it comes to Internet access, Estonia is one of the most connected countries in the world, and its education is also top-notch.

10. Kiiking

When we were kids, just about all of us probably used a swing-set at some point. They are at found in most public parks and are a pretty ubiquitous part of everyone’s childhood. However, in Estonia, swinging is much more than just something children do to pass the time. As children, we probably all tried to swing over the bars at some point, and found it was pretty much impossible, due to the design of our swing-sets. We would compromise by simply getting really high and then seeing how far we could leap out. (more…)

Sample text only post

Praesent posuere libero eu justo tristique, vitae ultricies justo volutpat. Integer convallis convallis interdum. Ut luctus justo elit, sit amet sodales purus vulputate non.

Nullam lorem eros, posuere nec sodales at, aliquet gravida dui. Aenean id tellus in libero porta ultricies. Donec viverra interdum bibendum. Sed varius nunc tortor, tempus accumsan massa aliquam sed. Quisque a turpis ut dolor porta auctor a sed risus. Quisque turpis arcu, congue in tincidunt quis, feugiat a erat. Vivamus tincidunt semper ultricies. Integer sit amet facilisis quam. Sed vitae nibh odio. Sed nec neque id nunc ornare rhoncus. Donec congue accumsan justo, vitae mollis ipsum pharetra eu.

Donec lacus nunc, viverra nec, blandit vel, egestas et, augue. Vestibulum tincidunt malesuada tellus. Ut ultrices ultrices enim.

Praesent posuere libero eu justo tristique, vitae ultricies justo volutpat. Sed pellentesque neque eu neque adipiscing condimentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam fermentum mollis orci aliquam dictum. Proin auctor quis enim ut tempor. Integer convallis convallis interdum. Quisque eget libero ac dolor pharetra vestibulum. Nulla posuere orci at justo vehicula porta. (more…)

Sample content post

In his new book, Baby Bust, Stewart Friedman reveals some surprising changes in the way men and women view parenthood.


In October 1987, I became a father. My mind flooded with questions, especially this one:  What am I going to do to make the world a safe one for my baby to grow up in? Obsessed with this question, I brought a version of it to the Wharton MBA students I was teaching about organizational behavior. I asked them: What responsibility do you have as future business leaders to nurture not just the next generation of employee talent, but the next generation of people in our society? And if you choose to become parents, how will you manage to do so in a way that works for you, your family, your business, and your community?


Sample text post

You can highlight first paragraph of your post like this to highlight the most important part of the post. No need to change it manually. Read more for typography showcase… nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque accumsan quam in nulla sollicitudin, eget accumsan lectus sollicitudin. Sample link. Quisque eget ipsum ipsum. Mauris sodales urna orci, non pharetra nisi mattis ut. Mauris tempus leo erat, id interdum purus posuere sit amet.

Duis at lectus eu turpis egestas ultrices convallis at nunc. Quisque commodo odio sit amet urna lacinia dignissim. Sed blandit dolor nibh, eu ultricies odio dictum a. Vestibulum scelerisque luctus felis et porta. Duis at lectus eu turpis egestas ultrices convallis at nunc. Quisque commodo odio sit amet urna lacinia dignissim. Sed blandit dolor nibh, eu ultricies odio dictum a. Vestibulum scelerisque luctus felis et porta. Duis at lectus eu turpis egestas ultrices convallis at nunc. Quisque commodo odio sit amet urna lacinia dignissim. Sed blandit dolor nibh, eu ultricies odio dictum a. Vestibulum scelerisque luctus felis et porta. Duis at lectus eu turpis egestas ultrices convallis at nunc. Quisque commodo odio sit amet urna lacinia dignissim. Sed blandit dolor nibh, eu ultricies odio dictum a. Vestibulum scelerisque luctus felis et porta.

Big header

Donec quis ante elit. Nullam tincidunt augue sed nibh venenatis, et placerat metus facilisis.Curabitur eu mi lectus.

  • Duis lorem ligula
  • Gravida a vestibulum vitae
  • Convallis ac mauris
  • Etiam eu consectetur quam
  • Suspendisse potenti.

In dapibus sollicitudin iaculis. Quisque in felis vel diam aliquet bibendum sed sit amet est. Donec adipiscing dolor sit amet augue sollicitudin iaculis. Nam accumsan nisl id lorem rutrum, nec pulvinar sapien porttitor. (more…)

Fully Compatible with WordPress 3.9 features

Live widget previews in customizer

This is the best feature of WordPress 3.9, from customizer you can now make changes in your current widgets, add new widgets and beauty is you can see live preview as you edit. This will save a lot of time as you will not have to save the widget and refresh the frontend to see how your changes are looking like.

This is how widget customizer looks like with Video

This is how widget customizer looks like with Video


The Comeback Country

The river was not high, so there was not more than a two or three mile current. Hardly a word was
said during the next three-quarters of an hour. Now the raft was passing before the distant town. Two or three glimmering lights showed where it lay, peacefully sleeping, beyond the vague vast sweep of star-gemmed water, unconscious of the tremendous event that was happening.

The river was not high, so there was not more than a two or three mile current. Hardly a word was
said during the next three-quarters of an hour. Now the raft was passing before the distant town. Two or three glimmering lights showed where it lay, peacefully sleeping, beyond the vague vast sweep of star-gemmed water, unconscious of the tremendous event that was happening.

  • The Black Avenger stood still with folded arms, “looking his last” upon
  • the scene of his former joys and his later sufferings, and wishing
  • “she” could see him now, abroad on the wild sea, facing peril and death with dauntless heart, going to his doom with a grim smile on his lips. It was but a small strain on his imagination to remove Jackson Island
  • (more…)